Production of phenolics by seagrasses: patterns and ecological significance

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A change in the production of chemical deterrents by a plant following herbivory that reduces future incidences of grazing is referred to as inducible resistance. Most of our current knowledge of inducible resistance comes from terrestrial ecosystems, and the few studies of inducible resistance in marine systems use macroalgae as their plant model. Phenolic compounds are a class of phytochemicals often involved in inducible resistance in terrestrial plants and macroalgae, and their production is thought to be metabolically costly to these plants. These compounds are found in seagrasses, but their role is not understood. Seagrasses are marine vascular plants that provide habitat for ecologically and economically important fish and invertebrate species. Seagrasses are in decline worldwide, and many researchers attribute this to increases in nutrient loading in coastal areas. Among other effects, increased nutrients can change the rate of production of phenolic compounds in seagrasses, although the specific effects of nutrient levels on seagrass phenolic production are unclear. Though they are in decline, seagrasses persist in areas of high grazing pressure and are known to possess the most common class of inducible chemical deterrents, which makes them excellent candidates for the study of inducible resistance. Here, I propose a study that will expand our understanding of the role of inducible resistance in seagrass systems. This study will determine if production of phenolic compounds is induced in two seagrasses (Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrightii) by grazing by three grazers (a sea urchin, a limpet, and an amphipod). It will also determine if production of phenolics by these seagrasses is costly to the plants and how nutrient additions affect production of phenolics by these seagrasses.

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Author Dr John Valentine or LaTina Steele
Last Updated July 23, 2022, 03:04 (UTC)
Created July 23, 2022, 03:04 (UTC)
Access_Constraints Permission to access these data must be given by John Valentine or LaTina Steele.
ISO 19115 Topic Categories biota, 002, environment, 007, oceans, 014
Place Keywords St. Joseph's Bay, Port St. Joe, Perdido Bay, Pensacola, St. Andrew's Bay, Panama City, Florida, Gulf of Mexico
Theme Keywords phenolics, seagrass, herbivory, chemical defense, grazing, pathogens, inducible defense, inducible resistance, Thalassia testudinum, turtle grass, Halodule wrightii, shoalgrass, condensed tannins, eutrophication, pink sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus, mesograzers, ecology
Use_Constraints Acknowledgment of the DISL: Valentine Lab and University of South Alabama, Department of Marine Sciences would be appreciated in products developed from these data, and such acknowledgment as is standard for citation and legal practices for data source is expected by users of these data. Users should be aware that comparison with other data sets for the same area from other time periods may be inaccurate due to inconsistencies resulting from changes in mapping conventions, data collection, and computer processes over time. The distributor shall not be liable for improper or incorrect use of these data, based on the description of appropriate/inappropriate uses described in the metadata document. These data are not legal documents and are not to be used as such.
dc.coverage.placeName St. Joseph's Bay Port St. Joe Perdido Bay Pensacola St. Andrew's Bay Panama City Florida Gulf of Mexico
dc.coverage.t.max 200902T
dc.coverage.t.min 200506T
dc.coverage.x.max -85.399066
dc.coverage.x.min -87.373747
dc.coverage.y.max 30.314391
dc.coverage.y.min 29.774583
dc.creator Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL): Valentine Lab Unpublished material
dc.description A change in the production of chemical deterrents by a plant following herbivory that reduces future incidences of grazing is referred to as inducible resistance. Most of our current knowledge of inducible resistance comes from terrestrial ecosystems, and the few studies of inducible resistance in marine systems use macroalgae as their plant model. Phenolic compounds are a class of phytochemicals often involved in inducible resistance in terrestrial plants and macroalgae, and their production is thought to be metabolically costly to these plants. These compounds are found in seagrasses, but their role is not understood. Seagrasses are marine vascular plants that provide habitat for ecologically and economically important fish and invertebrate species. Seagrasses are in decline worldwide, and many researchers attribute this to increases in nutrient loading in coastal areas. Among other effects, increased nutrients can change the rate of production of phenolic compounds in seagrasses, although the specific effects of nutrient levels on seagrass phenolic production are unclear. Though they are in decline, seagrasses persist in areas of high grazing pressure and are known to possess the most common class of inducible chemical deterrents, which makes them excellent candidates for the study of inducible resistance. Here, I propose a study that will expand our understanding of the role of inducible resistance in seagrass systems. This study will determine if production of phenolic compounds is induced in two seagrasses (Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrightii) by grazing by three grazers (a sea urchin, a limpet, and an amphipod). It will also determine if production of phenolics by these seagrasses is costly to the plants and how nutrient additions affect production of phenolics by these seagrasses.
dc.language en
dc.subject phenolics seagrass herbivory chemical defense grazing pathogens inducible defense inducible resistance Thalassia testudinum turtle grass Halodule wrightii shoalgrass condensed tannins eutrophication pink sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus mesograzers ecology
dc.title Production of phenolics by seagrasses: patterns and ecological significance
spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -87.373747, 30.314391 ], [ -85.399066, 30.314391 ], [ -85.399066, 29.774583 ], [ -87.373747, 29.774583 ], [ -87.373747, 30.314391 ] ] ] }