Physical data collected from Fowl River, Alabama from 2018-05-01 to 2018-07-1...
Description Time series data were collected during the selected study period (May 1 - July 11, 2018) from various monitoring stations in order to support the ecological and... -
Analyses of shoreline movement to assess sediment stabilization from 2012-10-...
Abstract Satellite imagery imported into ArcGIS software were used to delineate the shoreline (defined as the edge of vegetation) and calculate shoreline movement as a proxy for... -
Seasonal effects on microplankton response to oil perturbation on Mississippi...
Abstract In order to understand the role of biodiversity in increasing resiliency to perturbation, a set of experiments were conducted to examine the response of microplankton... -
Oiling effects on sulfate-reducing bacterial communities in coastal marine se...
Abstract This collection of datasets is generated from high-throughput rRNA gene sequencing of dissimilatory (bi)sulfite reductase (dsrB) gene of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB)... -
Sublethal effects of oil exposure on infaunal behavior, bioturbation, and sed...
Abstract A mesocosm experiment was conducted at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab during March 2017 to evaluate the effects of the water accommodated fraction (WAF) of oil on animal... -
Coastal Alabama phytoplankton resilience to petrocarbon loading
Abstract Petrocarbon exposure studies were conducted on three isolated clones from coastal Alabama in the Gulf of Mexico including a diatom (Skeletonema spp.), a dinoflagellate... -
Metagenomic insights on Microbial Community Composition within Chandeleur Isl...
Abstract Oil spills such as the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) disaster can significantly impact biochemical and biological processes in coastal salt marsh sediments imparting... -
Spatial heterogeneity of nitrogen cycling in Deepwater Horizon-impacted salt ...
Abstract Humans have more than doubled the amount of reactive nitrogen (N) in the environment, contributing to marine eutrophication. Salt marshes provide important areas of N... -
Assessment of protist biodiversity and resilience of the benthic microbial as...
Abstract This dataset is a raw sequence reads from samples collected from Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana from 2015-06-29 to 2015-09-23. Marine sediment microbial communities play... -
Alabama 2019 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Field points
This 2019 data set consists of GPS point data documenting the location, species composition, and other habitat characteristics of submerged aquatic vegetation beds in coastal... -
Alabama Phytoplankton Monitoring Network: phytoplankton composition and abund...
Phytoplankton identification and enumeration from nine regular stations (and one occasional) along the Alabama coastline from 2007 to 2011. Phytoplankton are broadly categorized... -
A Comprehensive Inventory of Alabama Coastal Zone Wetland Habitats (Swamps, M...
Digitized maps of Mobile Bay and other coastal areas of Alabama, showing habitat types and species compositions of the vegetation in three broad categories of wetland: swamps,... -
Facilitation and dominance in a schooling predator: foraging behavior of Flor...
This dataset includes the results from a laboratory experiment assessing whether juvenile Florida Pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) foraging success is greater when in groups of... -
Spatial and dietary overlap between red snapper and vermilion snapper (2011-2...
This dataset contains abundance data for nine species of reef fish observed at 40 reef sites between Mobile Bay, Alabama and Saint Andrews Bay, Florida, during research cruises... -
DISL Fisheries Ecology Lab: DISL Transect Bottom Longline (2011-present)
Catch data from bottom longline sampling off the coast of Alabama. Sampling occurs quarterly along a transect with eight stations spaced ten miles apart, on a randomly selected... -
DISL Fisheries Ecology Lab: Fishery Independent Survey - Bottom Longline (201...
Catch data from bottom longline sampling off the coast of Alabama in the artificial reef permit zone. Sampling periods are determined based on the red snapper season, with one... -
DISL Fisheries Ecology Lab: SEAMAP Bottom Longline (2010-present)
Catch data from bottom longline sampling in Alabama coastal and nearshore waters, to the north and south of each barrier island. Sampling occurs monthly between March and... -
DISL Fisheries Ecology Lab: DISL Shark Bottom Longline Survey (2008-2009)
Catch data from bottom longline sampling in Alabama coastal and nearshore waters (lower Mobile Bay, Mississippi Sound, and northern Gulf of Mexico), monthly from December 2008... -
DISL Fisheries Ecology Lab: FOCAL Bottom Longline (2007-2008)
Catch data from bottom longline sampling within and outside Mobile Bay, Alabama, monthly from March 2007 to November 2008, using a random stratified block design. Captured fish... -
DISL Fisheries Ecology Lab: DISL Bottom Longline (2006-2008)
Catch data from nearshore bottom longline sampling along the Mississippi/Alabama coast monthly from May 2006 to November 2008, using a random stratified block design. Captured...